This is a reference to the city of Louisville's long history with horse racing as the Call to the Post tune is customarily played by a bugler just minutes before a horse race.
The Internationale was customarily played for them at their cremation, although Ana Pauker's family had Beethoven's Third Symphony played instead.
Today, all of these parts are customarily played on euphonium, and in each of these cases, the instrument called for is used in a both a soloistic role and written to function as part of the brass section.
In the Westport Country Playhouse production, the director Burry Fredrik has attempted to cut through the high-powered bravado with which Mamet is customarily played and focus on the connections, circuitous as they may be, in the relationships among three competing and manipulative characters.
Stacked pattern paper creates a headlike form in "A Room of One's Own," from a series intended to comment on roles customarily played by women.
Night fell, the time when her family had customarily played together and gone on short excursions, and she was lonely.
Ms. Argento's response, at once earnest and thoroughly calculated, is to take revenge by exploiting herself more thoroughly than anyone else could, turning sado-masochism, which is customarily played as a duet, into a solo performance.
The former was a Western starring Joan Crawford and Mercedes McCambridge in action roles of the kind customarily played by men.
The two songs were often played consecutively at the close of Queen concerts, and are customarily played together on radio broadcasts (in album order).
Casting minorities in roles customarily played by whites is only one way the Wheelock theater distinguishes itself.