In exchange for its cut, Apple handles application hosting, automatic updates, and customer billing.
"Do we know what else he has gotten into besides customer billing?"
A month earlier, Alltel signed a 10-year contract with GTE to handle its cellular customer billing.
They operated in batch mode to support back office functions, such as customer billing, and supported interactive terminals almost exclusively for applications rather than program development.
Most large Canadian corporations, including the telephone and utility companies, now provide on-line customer billing.
His computing career began at 19, as a programmer writing code to automate the calculation of electrical rates and customer billing for a utility company in Utah.
Eon has spent more than $100 million building an central processing hub in Reston, where it plans to process network transactions and handle customer billing.
ISACOMM operated its own "back office" for customer billing and network analysis.
Instead a load profile can be inferred from customer billing or other data.
Local private companies are in charge of meter installation, customer billing, and revenue collection.