In order to get the best from your online marketing, you must understand how your customers interact with you, and how they use digital media.
When customers can interact with certain merchandise, sales are anywhere from double to triple what the chain produces at stores that don't offer that opportunity.
It is only natural to understand how your customers are interacting with it.
Several companies, mostly retailers, use the company's services to showcase products on their websites and to allow customers to interact with the products.
Various strip clubs have wide-ranging rules on how customers should interact with strippers.
For an entrance fee, customers may interact and play with any of the fifteen to twenty cats currently running free around Nekobukuro at the time.
Alignment allows customers to perceive and interact with their service providers as one company, not as disparate lines of business.
Silicon Graphics will provide some of the computerized equipment that will help customers interact with the cable system.
Mr. Steinfeld said he was delighted to be able to watch customers interact with his product.
It's really defining the way that consumers and customers interact with companies and what they expect from them.