A tradesman in London is obliged to hire a whole house in that part of the town where his customers live.
Typical customers are out of work, living in hostels.or without a proper home at all.
"Some customers couldn't live a week without their pork pies," she said.
Nearly a billion customers, many of whom are still living in tum-of-the-century conditions.
Agents survive because they live where their customer lives in most cases.
Their aim is to see that the laws in the states where the customers live are enforced, and more suits are expected.
"As we've commented in the past, our customers live paycheck to paycheck and they are pretty sensitive to costs," he said.
Mang would survive, but he would be out of action for a month, the other customers would live, as well.
Other companies remind users to catch the sunset at a specific time, since they know where their customers live.
I realized the customer is living the same life as the audience.