Sybase has had trouble winning new business as prospective customers opted to wait or to look elsewhere for data base software.
They charge about $1.35 a minute; most customers opt for 10-minute sessions.
With many service providers, the customer may opt for a modem which contains a wireless router.
Or it could lead some customers to opt for fast Internet access through cable systems, which already account for nearly 70 percent of broadband connections.
Its sales and profit margins are under pressure as corporate customers increasingly opt for lower-cost machines based on personal computer technology.
Nevertheless, relatively few customers opted for the "four speeds with overdrive" transmission option.
Some customers opted for being on the installment plan, which was a growing trend then.
Often the customer opts to spend a few hundred more for the designer line.
Most customers opted for the OX-5 which was the cheapest.
Sometimes, a customer can opt out of this service.