Both carriers and retailers make customers submit rebate claims during a 30-day window, often 6 months after cell phone activation.
Place artificial restrictions on the time period during which customers can submit claims.
Some customers submit print jobs over Kinkonet, a service that uses dial-up modem lines.
The trustee said that customers of Baron had submitted claims for losses estimated at more than $40 million.
In the art shop, customers may submit orders to have their interior decorated in wall-art technique.
I once had a customer submit a photo to be used on a web site.
In addition, an 'ideas' section permits customers to submit suggestions for site improvements and rate each other's suggestions.
All of this raises the possibility that the cash might not be there when customers of Lloyd's submit claims for losses in the attacks.
Or, a potential customer can submit a request for proposals from carriers or equipment makers.
During the E Goes to World campaign, the camera manufacturer had customers submit pictures to create a new promotional video for the song.