Some regular customers travel as far as 50 miles, and many eat there more than three times a week.
The proposal would impose stiff penalties on drivers who refuse customers traveling outside Manhattan.
Waldbaum's is not the only "up Island" merchant to notice that its customers are traveling east.
Garden officials, known as some of the city's toughest negotiators, are apparently worried about how their customers will travel that extra block.
He says: "It is easy to find cheap flights, and we leave our customers to book airline travel themselves.
This is because usually the customers travel downstream from the livery and at the end of the journey, some provision for return must be made.
In Salzburg, the market share has increased by 5 percent over the company's average and customers are traveling to the store from greater distances.
"Our customer travels a lot, has a few homes and doesn't know if she will be in town when the merchandise gets in," he said.
By this I mean in particular, travel agencies, who also offer their customers travel insurance as part of a travel package.
So now, customers are not only traveling Green but they also stay connected.