The cut amounted to $4 billion a year, money the counties now badly need to provide essential services.
If cuts he asked for amounted to 15,000 words (as she claims) he was doing her a favor.
The earlier cuts amounted to simple cost-cutting in response to faltering sales.
The $1.2 billion cut, they said, amounted to only about 3 percent of all school spending.
In each of those years, the cut has amounted to about 1 percent of the previous year's tax take.
In all, the cuts amounted to $48,000, which the students also gave to the university, for a total contribution of $88,000.
The 1990 cuts, for example, in the end amounted to only about 1.5 percent, a far cry from the current situation.
The cuts amounted to less than one-tenth of 1 percent of the Pentagon's $247.5 billion budget.
In New York alone, these cuts have amounted to more than $300 million.
The Navy's cuts at first amounted to $1 billion less than he requested.