Ford, which lost nearly $1.5 billion during the first six months of 2006, cut its dividend in half last month.
But with a number of major companies cutting dividends, that is now down to $12.19.
The company also cut its dividend to 40 cents this year from $1.80 in 1990.
Ford did not cut its dividend this time, but a top company official said it might do so in the future.
The parent company, they point out, lost more than $1 billion in 1992, laid off 5,000 people and cut its dividend.
The company announced Monday evening that it would cut its dividend by 40 percent.
The company cut its dividend and had lower quarterly earnings.
The company, which was forced to cut its dividend last year for the first time since 1906, said it expected continued improvements in performance.
But at the same time, there has been an increase in the number of companies cutting or eliminating dividends.
The company cut its dividend in half on Oct. 10.