When it hit the floor, it was going to cut off his escape route.
The highlander's greatest concern was that someone might betray them to the enemy, cutting off their escape route before they had a chance to act.
Even worse, they were having to stay dose to the jetty so Dupont's men couldn't cut off their escape route back to the schooner.
Don't store old newspapers or other inflammable materials under the stairs, where they could fuel a fire and cut off your primary escape route.
Willow cut off his escape route to the rear.
Scaffolding filled the stairwell, cutting off her escape route.
Carboni remembered that the wind had shifted suddenly and blown the wall of fire toward him, cutting off his escape route.
Then he was closing the door behind her, cutting off her escape route.
The squad moved to the side of the road, flanking the insurgents and cutting off their escape route.
They had already cut off our escape route to the bus and uproad to the bridge.