It tentatively planned to cut their schedule to one night a week by fall before announcing that all such projects were scrapped.
ESPN2's rating fell slightly to a 0.23 despite cutting its schedule to 75 games from 101 in the 2000-1 season.
As a result of the scandal, North Carolina de-emphasized basketball by cutting their regular-season schedule.
The league locked out the players to start the 1994-95 season, cutting each team's schedule to 48 games.
It said last Friday that it would cut its schedule in half.
He cut his schedule for the team and took us rookies out to dinner the Friday of a pretty big tournament.
Probably, she said, she'll be cutting her schedule considerably.
So why cut his schedule?
That cut his schedule from 26 races last year to 16 this year.
The airline announced last week that it would cut its schedule by nearly 3 percent to compensate for the shortage of pilots.