A more sensible strategy would have been to exhort the 32 community boards to cut administrative personnel first, minimizing the impact on educational quality.
One treasury suggestion is to cut senior personnel because one estimate shows that junior ranks have taken the brunt of the cuts so far.
In the reorganization, Jack moved to Massachusetts, made some tough choices by cutting personnel and closed extraneous plants.
Mr. Finn has cut personnel and production costs.
"The Republicans and the Democrats haven't got the guts to cut personnel and reduce the size of county government."
All this comes as the National Weather Service cuts personnel and, some fear, its effectiveness.
If money is more important than the athlete, then it's good to cut personnel.
Despite cutting personnel from the department, Metts doubled the miles of road that were resurfaced.
Under financial pressure from deregulation, the airlines were cutting personnel, including maintenance personnel.
But since there is no great potential for explosive growth, the only way to improve margins is to cut personnel.