The planned cuts represent about 1 percent of the worldwide work force.
The cuts represent 7 percent of its 193,000 workers worldwide.
Such cuts probably represent only the first turn of the vise.
Those cuts, one official said, represented "an effort to get more people out of headquarters and into the field."
The cuts would represent the third time in less than a year that the city has attempted to balance this year's budget.
Yesterday's cuts represent about 15 percent of the professional staff, bringing the total to 2,200.
The cut, however, represents nearly 15 percent of the $700 million the city gives to the authority's $3.8 billion budget.
A $384 cut, in other words, represents a 45 percent loss.
The cuts represent about 7 percent of the companies' combined work force.
The cuts represent about 10 percent of the airline's work force.