The cuts will result in a fourth-quarter charge of about $310 million, or 95 cents a share.
Sadly, these cuts usually result in loss of service to the public.
The cuts result from a formula specified in the Medicare law.
It could certainly be argued that the cuts will result in somebody's human rights being infringed.
The company said many of those jobs became unnecessary after corporate reorganizations, and other cuts resulted from lower growth expectations.
Previous cuts have already resulted in 71 engine companies operating with four-member crews.
The company said it expects the cuts to result in savings of more than $12 million a year.
The company said the cuts would result in annual savings of $500 million in 1996 and $600 million next year.
But the bigger cuts resulted from changing the way Lexmark was managed.
Those cuts would result in an automatic loss of Federal and local matching funds.