The proposed statewide cuts will only deepen the loss of library services, Ms. Small said.
The whole cut of him,' he said, imprecisely but comprehensively.
"A clean cut," said Drysdale, almost with a note of admiration at the craftsmanship.
"No cuts, no bruises," Thomas said with a smile, before turning to the team theme.
The cuts, he said, while harsh and painful in the short term, are "nonetheless necessary for the greater good of Connecticut's future."
"It shows consistency over the entire year," said Woods, who has made 15 consecutive cuts, the longest current streak on tour.
He sponged the cut with something cold and wet which numbed it a little, then said, "Keep still.
Oh, a mere cut on the arm, so my husband said, and he saw him when he carried a chair up.
'No, a mere cut on the arm, just as your husband said.'
"The cut and thrust of debate," he said.