And, since I came recommended, he would cut the normal commission rate in half, to 26 cents a share.
Those figures were cut by more than half, to $56.7 million, or 33 cents a share.
The October restatement cut that figure to $98.9 million, or 57 cents.
The Houston bank holding company also said it had cut its quarterly dividend by half, to 19.5 cents, to build up capital.
The fourth issue, January 1954, cut the price to 35 cents, and it stayed at that price for the rest of its life.
In response, The Post cut its price to 25 cents a copy.
The 1847's lasted only four years, until postal rates were cut to 3 cents and the country's first stamps needed to be replaced.
An accounting charge cut the net of the quarter a year earlier to $21.9 million, or 56 cents a share.
Calls made on Sunday, which represent about 21 percent of residential volume, will be cut to 7 cents a minute.
The company also cut the dividend from $1.80 in 1990 to 40 cents this year.