With the categories of; (per grade level) best single costume, best double costume, best group costume, cutest costume, funniest costume, and scariest costume.
Pluto takes the tickets to Mickey, after his suit has been ruined by water from a passing car, and then Minnie arrives and tells him he has a cute costume for the "hard times" costume party.
The show's concept was of a pop-up picture book, and features many of Kyary's cute and colorful costumes with even a performance where she flies above the audience.
Her best friend, Tomoyo, makes cute costumes for her magical missions.
And, with the cute costumes long since ditched, they still won't go away.
Actors and actresses garbed in colorful and cute costumes dramatize this century old tradition which features swordfights between the Christians and Moors.
As their cute names (and cuter costumes by Anita Yavich) imply, these characters speak in colorful pseudo-brogues, allowing Mr. Berger to display a specialist's affection for the quaint speech patterns of yore.
Donald Roller Wilson, the Texas-born and Kansas-trained painter of congested narratives involving monkeys in cute costumes, may or may not be of the company.
Check out Jayden and Sean Preston's cute costumes!