It's easy to give a type of software a cutesy name, like "malware", but what we're actually talking about here is perpetration of premeditated, criminal acts.
(The different varieties even have cutesy names; the Stephen Hawking, for example, is so strong that it will put you in a wheelchair.)
It's likely not a "Roadfood" place if it was recommended by a hotel clerk, has a cutesy name or smells of Pine-Sol.
She adds her own sultry flavor and has given the mixture the cutesy name "Brandy Style."
First, there is the name: simultaneously cutesy, sanctimonious and unpronounceable.
Then there's United Airlines' new spinoff, Ted, whose cutesy name seems designed to hide the fact that it's an airline at all.
Prizm identifies 14 different behavior types in the suburbs and gives each of them a cutesy name.
It is spacious and open, and even bears a cloyingly cutesy name, just like the fictional Central Perk.
Don't get sidetracked with the cutesy names, however.
You start calling a hockey team a cutesy name like the Mighty Ducks, and things start to fall apart.