The official website describes the magazine as a mix of 'high-quality editorial, cutting-edge fashion, beauty and entertainment presented in a vibrant glossy format'.
Bullock's is her place to buy cutting-edge fashion, while Nordstrom is where she goes for cosmetics and party dresses.
The trend reflects the flattening of the fashion pyramid, as more cutting-edge fashion has become available more quickly and at a lower price than ever before.
She emerged from a hiatus to design cutting-edge fashions for the twenty-somethings of the 21st Century.
Hush Puppies were positively cutting-edge fashion compared to these.
As a purveyor of cutting-edge fashion, Barneys strives to show it is in touch with the city's vibes in its windows.
Which leads to the final question: Can the woman behind cutting-edge, upper-end fashion ever cut a pattern that will make her company profitable?
"This will mean high quality apparel that focuses on games, the history of the league, fitness and cutting-edge fashion," he added.