His favorite weapon, he said, was cyanide solution administered with a nasal-spray bottle in the victim's face.
The miners would set explosives in the rocks, grind up the debris and, finally, leach out the gold by sloshing a cyanide solution over the rubble.
The cyanide solution containing the dissolved gold is then passed over zinc, which causes the gold to be precipitated.
The Merrill-Crowe process is a separation technique for removing gold from a cyanide solution.
These new man-made mountains are lined with irrigation hoses that silently trickle millions of gallons of cyanide solution over the rock for years.
I'd get those rubber gloves pulled up to my elbows, and I'd drop some white pellets into water and turn it into a cyanide solution.
The mine used a chemical extraction process known as vat leaching involving the use of a weak cyanide solution.
Those present drank the liquid he gave, which was a cyanide solution.
The resulting pebbles are washed on the plastic-draped hillsides in a cyanide solution that spurts from an intricate sprinkler system.
"Kat, do you have some of that cyanide solution?"