For instance, it is argued that implants would technically change people into cybernetic organisms (cyborgs).
A cyborg (cybernetic organism) is a term referring to individuals with "both biological and artificial parts."
A cybernetic organism, sent back in time by the "new gods" of the future.
More broadly, the full term "cybernetic organism" is used to describe larger networks of communication and control.
However, many artists have tried to create public awareness of cybernetic organisms; these can range from paintings to installations.
The cybernetic organism was just as familiar with human history as Aide.
This includes the use of cybernetic organisms (or cyborgs) for general labor.
The term, an acronym for cybernetic organism, refers to a being that is part machine, part human.
Originally coined in a 1960 paper about space exploration, the term is short for cybernetic organism.
A cyborg is a cybernetic organism which adds to or enhances its abilities by using technology.