Its reproductive cycle is typical of other freshwater mussels, requiring a host fish on which its larvae (glochidia) parasitize and metamorphose into juvenile mussels.
And in many cases, their growing cycles require it, especially where there is restricted soil capacity - in decorative containers like patio tubs, window boxes and hanging planters.
It was specially mentioned that the closed cycle will not require plutonium separation and other chemical processing.
Studies suggest that the entire cycle of exocytosis, retrieval, and reformation of the synaptic vesicles requires less than 1 minute.
All thermodynamic cycles require large temperature differentials for efficient operation.
Note that a "discernible line" forms one half of a cycle (a cycle requires a dark and a light line), so "228 cycles" and "456 lines" are equivalent measures.
This new cycle and focus requires the skills and worldview of's second editor in chief.
The more cycles on the roads, the greater sensitivity required of their fellow road users.
The S.T.B., or first cycle, requires five years or ten semesters (SapC 72a).
Example: the three-tonic cycle normally requires changing "key notes" to emphasize each modulation.