After the baby is born, the normal cycle resumes and all the hair that would have been shed during pregnancy falls out.
Yet when her normal cycle resumed soon after his departure, she'd been saddened to think memories were all she had of him.
Normal cycles usually resume within three months after removal.
Otherwise, the same suicidal cycle of civilization will resume ding dong again on that new planet!
A better quality egg may be released the next month, and the cycle may resume to normal.
And then the cycle resumes again.
"That's a concern to us, obviously, because it indicates again that the cycle of violence resumed in some areas."
The seven-week-old cycle of violence, which had been interrupted by a relative lull over the weekend, resumed once more, with a vengeance.
The cycle resumed with the last three episodes of the series, beginning with episode 9, under its regular schedule on May 20, 2013.
The seasonal cycle resumes on July 1, when free agents can begin negotiating with other teams.