This polar motion has multiple, cyclical components, which collectively are termed quasiperiodic motion.
There are certain cyclical components.
Unlike the trend and cyclical components, seasonal components, theoretically, happen with similar magnitude during the same time period each year.
The first term of the equation is the sum of the squared deviations which penalizes the cyclical component.
Therefore industry cycles are more commonly identified using the 'growth cycle' approach, by separating the cyclical component of a time series from the underlying trend.
While the cyclical component is affected by government decisions, it is mainly influenced by national and international economic conditions which can be significantly beyond government control.
From 2009 Treasury attempted to separate cyclical and structural components of the budget balance, and first started publishing estimates of the structural component.
But beyond the cyclical component of unemployment is a structural element that persists even into recovery.
He received a Ph.D. degree in 1930 for a thesis on latent cyclical components in time series.
Moving average a form of average which has been adjusted to allow for seasonal or cyclical components of a time series.