The Convocation Hall was a large cylindrical space, roughly the same shape as the building itself.
With the smaller supporting frame, the lens whipped upward on a hinge, into a large cylindrical space above.
With current technology, this volume is quite small and the plasma is generated as a flat plane inside a cylindrical space.
Then he'd awoken here, floating at the midpoint of this long cylindrical space, about four or five meters in diameter.
"Bones," Jim said, "take a look at the- " All at once, lights came up in the cylindrical space.
The front tubeplate of the boiler was recessed, creating a cylindrical space into which the superheater was mounted.
Suit lights dimly illuminated a wide cylindrical space.
The drill cuts a cylindrical space around some rock.
The overall effect is immediate viewer orientation according to the major axis of the building, even though the cylindrical space topped by a hemispherical dome is inherently ambiguous.
He stood by her apartment window a real window, looking through the Axis Euclid's interior wall at the cylindrical space that had once surrounded the Way's central singularity.