It presented bleak and cynical characters and was a not-too-subtle satire of 1980s British politics.
Scaramouche - A sarcastic, cynical character and Galileo's love interest.
The rather threatening German professor is the only character both cynical and intelligent enough to realize how disdainful all the English speakers are of each other.
As usual, he presented himself as a selfish, cynical character who's more backhanded than a tennis tournament.
The even, smooth flow of the stranger's language had an enchanting quality, but his own hard-grained, cynical character was impervious to mere talk.
"You're a cynical and suspicious character, Garrett."
Each of these iterations depicted Spencer as a playful, cynical character.
Mr. Milosevic's cynical character as a leader had hardly been a secret.
He developed a cynical character after constantly being disappointed by those around him.
More than mountains or the shore-devouring sea, a city retains its character, imperturbable, cynical, holding behind apparent changes its essential purpose.