The two gangs are enlisted by cynical politicians, to serve their own ends.
General Toriman dies and the cynical politicians of the Republic rouse the population to begin the project.
Miliband is not a cynical politician; he needs to find a common touch at least.
It represents the imperfect political resolution of a conflict that, while launched by cynical politicians, quickly brought into play ancient ethnic animosities.
What is more, we hate being used as political footballs by cynical politicians.
Playing the same part four years later, he seemed more calculating than the most cynical lifelong politician.
The polls show that New Jersey's voters are angry at government and cynical about the promises politicians make.
Trying to intimidate judges used to be a crime, not a bombastic cudgel for cynical politicians.
"Whether that's a cynical politician or one who's reacting to his constituents is a matter of perspective."
This is one of those rare occasions when cynical politicians get outraged.