Seigneur de Sèvre was known for his cynical and caustic wit.
Her cynical wit and worldly opinions start to rattle Strether's preconceived view of the situation.
Peretz was crippled by a cynical wit, a submerged though very real arrogance.
Not an attempt at cynical wit, but the large bulk of psychology and neuroscience shows that humans are not driven by reason.
Personalized Typewriters During the last year, he has turned his cynical wit into whimsical pop art.
For years, during and after martial law, Jerzy Urban was the spokesman for the Communist Government, and was known for his cynical wit and acid tongue.
In a nearby gallery is "Gigantic Fun," the Chapmans's post-post-modern take on Goya, an approach in which serious matters cannot be considered except through a screen of cynical wit.
Kojak was stubborn and tenacious in his investigation of crimes-and also displayed a dark, cynical wit, along with a tendency to bend the rules if it brought a criminal to justice.
All this ought to be gross nonsense but Jeff Lindsay's cynical wit makes it fly.
His feelings are usually expressed publicly through his cynical wit.