In a recent Italian study, a group of obese women were able to significantly lower their cytokine levels by losing 10 percent of their body fat.
In the setting of critical illness, low cholesterol levels are predictive of clinical deterioration, and are correlated with altered cytokine levels.
When the disease takes a deadly course, a cardiovascular shock and multi-organ failure, with strongly increased cytokine levels (cytokine storm), follow.
Chronic stimulation of the lymphocytes at the cytokine level may play a role in the development of the malignancy.
Positive predictive values and negative predictive values indicate the proportion of patients with a cytokine level greater than or below the chosen cutoff point.
Coran et al. [ 8 ] showed that the administration of ibuprofen in septic shock in dogs did not reduce cytokine levels.
Deaths were weighted more heavily towards people with healthy immune systems, due to its ability to produce stronger immune responses, like increasing cytokine levels.
It is used to designate viral proteins that interfere with immune response by reducing cytokine levels or effectiveness.
Conditions that increase cytokine levels in the human body may have potential to raise 5-HT gene expression in the brain.
Insulin resistance is also often associated with a hypercoagulable state (impaired fibrinolysis) and increased inflammatory cytokine levels.