Or the tribute exacted from so many Mexicans in their daily dealings with officials at all levels.
The series dealt with Morgan's daily dealings with dangerous criminals and drug dealers.
Compared with their daily dealings ashore, life at sea offered a relatively tranquil hiatus.
Amid the daily dealings of Hollywood, the film and the star have been fodder for unfavorable gossip.
The policeman, who worked in the city, was believed to have daily dealings with the public and routinely carried a revolver in the course of his duty.
"Isn't it insane to play 52-pickup another time when structure is far less important, far less consequential, than the daily dealings between teachers and students?"
The Bank, in its daily dealings, attempts to reconcile these two separate objectives.
As I find in my daily dealings with them, our citizens take the subject of security very seriously.
Also, relatives are often more efficient in their daily dealings.
"I have had daily dealings with a man I thought was doing nothing but evil," answered Angus.