A variety of other techniques have been created over the years such as motivational posters, daily devotionals, accountability partners, and cause wristbands.
It can also be used to create other types of e-Book, such as an electronic hymn book (words only) or daily devotionals.
With the advent of cell phones, iPods and smart phones, mobile delivery of daily devotionals has changed even more.
Every morning I read the daily devotionals.
Traditionally daily devotionals came in the format of a book, with one reading passage for each day.
With the advent of online content, daily devotionals come in multiple formats including blogs, websites, and emails.
His weekly service and daily devotionals with the jockeys rarely attract more than a dozen congregants.
Quarterly magazine, daily devotionals, share and prayer e-mail support mailing list and online chat.
The daily devotionals are also distributed as a radio spot.
Requirements include attendance at a religious service, participation in at least three daily devotionals and leading Grace before a meal.