The other Wise Ones came here for almost daily gatherings, but they spent nights with their own septs.
Falun Gong maintained a website that advertises daily gatherings in Bangkok.
Their daily gathering began by listening to the reading of a chapter from the Rule of St Benedict.
But these daily gatherings bore no connection to - indeed did not so much as acknowledge - the coup.
Soon the domino games became a regular feature of the daily gatherings.
It was not long before the still-empty government lot had been "appropriated" by the seniors for their daily gatherings and domino games.
Rohr was in the midst of a heated council meeting, the daily gathering of the eight trial lawyers who'd put up a million each.
The daily gatherings start slowly, as afternoon workers switch from coffee to wine ahead of the happy-hour crowd.
Pillared halls (Chaultris or Chawadis) are used for festivals and daily gatherings.
It is a daily gathering of swayamsevaks, which is held in an open ground for an hour either in the morning or in the evening.