However, the parks board will continue to run daily hikes from the base camp at Mdindini through those months, returning each night.
And along the roads are others, mostly wearing the uniforms of maids and dishwashers, making their daily hikes to inns and restaurants.
They organise daily hikes up the volcano as well as other treks, including an ascent of Stromboli (and snorkelling outings.
After a welcome dinner in Vienna, participants cross the border to begin this 13-day trip with daily hikes.
We are thinking of lodging in one of these towns and riding up tot he high country for daily hikes.
The chief engineer had sent them on daily hikes back up the slope, to salvage everything they could carry back down from the debris of Mantilis.
From that grief came this endeavor, for which she trained with daily hikes and a few experiments in hitchhiking, in case her legs suddenly failed her.
Our daily hikes, generally 45 minutes, made the most of the natural assets of New Mexico.
(I wasn't much overweight, but two weekly aerobics classes suddenly sounded like paltry preparation for daily 15-mile hikes.)
The gung-ho, hungry for a challenge, get daily hikes embellished with bonus trails (always uphill).