Think of you and the people you love going through daily humiliations just to go about their daily lives.
They despair of ever seeing an end to the daily humiliations of Israeli occupation.
Granted: growing up as a black man in the South means daily humiliations, large and small.
"The daily humiliation is so big that people just agree to it," he said.
Israel's mere existence is a daily humiliation to Muslims, who can't understand how, if they have the superior religion, Israel can be so powerful.
But I'm sure that the daily humiliation at school accounts for my learning enough English to graduate out of the first grade after only three months.
For Molly, who bridles at the daily humiliation, the final straw comes when the girls are told they have no mothers.
This daily humiliation and harassment can have serious consequences and, in any case, calls into question the logic of integration.
A nation that is submitted to this sort of daily humiliation by the occupying forces must never feel that the whole world does not care.
They don't know about the daily humiliations Palestinians endure.