For those lucky enough to have families willing and able to support them, they have to deal with the daily indignity of their loved ones picking up their financial shortfall.
Israel asks for peace while it continues its illegal occupation, expands its settlements and visits countless daily indignities upon the Palestinians.
In the clip available at right, she faces the daily indignity of the school bus.
Lambert wrote, ""Indestructible" encapsulates the kind of freedom Robyn sings about; freedom from reductionist categories, unfair expectations, and life's daily indignities."
In the face of daily indignities, malnutrition and disease, normal musical activity became a necessity.
The daily indignities - how do you survive them?
Free from the daily indignities of slavery, the escapees were to discover that life in the North and the far North was not a bed of roses.
Patients no longer face the social stigma attached to being fat, or the scores of small, corrosive daily indignities, like being unable to squeeze through turnstiles or find clothes that fit.
Mr. Koppel asks Mr. Schwartz about death, dying and the daily indignities of his disease dispassionately, without condescension, pity or camera-pleasing pathos.
One member said "The daily indignity to which the Palestinian population is subjected far outstrips the apartheid regime."