The continuing dialogue between RJ and Verne works in short daily installments.
Schulz works about six weeks ahead; the final daily installment will run Jan. 3; the last new Sunday strip will be published Feb. 13.
Behind the daily installments and the excited gossip, though, larger issues loom.
Mr. Reilly, who has been watching daily installments of the pilot as they are filmed, said there was no reason for concern.
Triple Take was an innovative comic strip that featured three separate punch lines in each daily installment.
We were delivering history in daily installments.
In the 1930's, the so-called "continuity strips" began to deliver daily installments of an ongoing story that mimicked the movies.
The Writer's Almanac is also available online and via daily e-mail installments by subscription.
He recounted his stories in daily installments to his fellow prisoners, and they took on his responsibilities for prison work to give him time to compose.