The daily pilgrimage on which Tungata.
Instead, they are allowed to take her home occasionally and make daily pilgrimages to the hospital, with son Gary, six, to see their daughter.
His daily pilgrimage to Lion Kop Ranch became an obsession.
She made daily pilgrimages into the void, studying the progress of the mirrors, learning the neighbor stars of her sun.
The next afternoon, when she came home from her daily pilgrimage, she found Marie bursting with what she thought was gladsome news.
The rural roads are already choked at rush hour, and when the caravans of minivans make the daily pilgrimage to schools and soccer games.
The road was choked with cars -commuters making the daily pilgrimage from homes in the Valley to West Side business districts.
But the first time had led to the second, and all during that never-to-beforgotten summer we had made daily pilgrimages to The Place.
Even in cities, the Portuguese generally make a daily pilgrimage to the bakery to get fresh bread for the family.
She flinched at the sight of a large car and dreaded what was becoming her daily pilgrimage to the library to check Louisiana newspapers.