In the year 3535, for example, all of a person's actions, words and thoughts will be preprogrammed into a daily pill.
Most have relied on daily pills and injections for months, even years.
George, a chronic hypochondriac, wakes up in the morning after a series of dreams dealing with health issues and takes his daily pills.
When those dreams show the first evidence of "Stirrings," he is given a daily pill to control matters.
Their little daily pill carried not the promise of health but the risk of disease.
This number includes study participants who did not take their daily pill consistently.
Women who have trouble remembering a daily pill may want to consider the birth control patch.
Pros: More regular, lighter periods with less cramping, no need to remember a daily pill.
The birth control shot does not require taking a daily pill.
Will trial participants increase their risk behavior when they begin taking daily pills?