On January 8, 2007, the station launched a daily podcast which has since been discontinued.
The Daily Spill is a daily podcast which discuses news that involves film and cinema.
Elder began a daily live podcast as well as a webcast starting in December 2009.
The word4u2day publication is also on Facebook and available as a daily podcast.
A daily podcast of the previous night's show was also produced.
In 2005, Cross also began production of a daily podcast available freely from their website.
A daily podcast of the previous morning's show is also produced.
The daily podcast is broadcast friendly, whereas the Bonus Show is uncensored.
The company has begun offering daily "podcasts" of news and other information to Apple iPod owners or anyone else carrying an MP3 player.
The daily podcasts range in difficulty from "Newbie" to "Upper Intermediate" level and have an average lesson time of ten to twenty minutes.