She did not know how much she was learning, both from the books she read and the daily sacrifices she made.
There, where usually would stand the blood-caked temples used for daily sacrifice, this temple had a lush garden.
On the seventh day all work was forbidden and the daily sacrifices were doubled.
Even of the five daily sacrifices, four of them involve transaction of food.
They offer reassurance to citizens who are being asked to make daily sacrifices in lost services.
While popular accounts claim it was necessary to have a daily sacrifice, sacrifices were only done on festive days.
To do so, they offered the dragon a daily human sacrifice.
Instead, the soot of cook fires and industry rose into the sky like a hundred million daily sacrifices to individual, shortsighted gods.
We are talking about giving the Roma minority a whole series of rights, which a very great many citizens can only enjoy thanks to daily sacrifices.
Torah study is of more value than the offering of daily sacrifice (Eruvin 63b).