Both of the city's general-interest tabloids have bolstered their media business coverage over the last year with daily sections focused on the industry.
A Nation at War, a daily separate section, begins on Page B1.
In 2007, the paper reorganized its daily sections and began placing late-breaking local news stories in the front section as well.
In addition to the daily sections, the Sunday edition contains:
Each daily section contains a Bible passage and a quote from another author.
Each 3- to 4-page daily section begins with basic information on a country's geography, demographics, population, literacy, economy, etc.
When something is scheduled for the coming month, it is placed within the appropriate daily section.
Connecticut newspapers put out daily sections on the games.
The Times shrank from six daily sections to four.
The paper employs an editorial team of 27 across its four daily sections - news, business features and investment, lifestyle and sport.