Contrasting Outdoor Scenes The daily skirmishes in the war on drugs are fought by "straight life" people and the young and hungry.
The now daily skirmish in the mayor's divorce battle then degenerated into an argument over Yankees tickets.
The 1st & 2nd Maryland Cavalry units became involved in almost daily skirmishes with Union General Sheridan's cavalry.
In much of the province there are daily skirmishes between Serbian forces, often sheltered behind sandbags, and the rebels.
The battalion located to support trenches or rest areas during the period 17 August to 29 September taking part in almost daily skirmishes with the Turkish Infantry.
During this time, daily skirmishes took place between the two hosts.
There in Baqir Colony they used to offer prayers with their Noorbakhshia brothers,but due to daily skirmish and arguments they decided to build their own mosque.
There are almost daily skirmishes between Afghan and Russian troops.
And now that I'm an old crock and he's an old buffer, we have our daily skirmishes - he wants the window closed, I want it open.
There are also daily skirmishes near Serb police checkpoints.