That, he noted, leads to short-term fluctuations in value as a result of the daily swings in market prices for stocks, bonds and other investments.
But it allows only minuscule daily swings in the currency values, far less than the administration says is necessary to correct a growing trade imbalance.
To be sure, with its sharp daily swings, the Taiwan market often seems a gambler's playground.
Salomon had expertise in fixed income securities and trading based on daily swings in the bond market.
The increase in the size of the daily swings of the indexes could also be disturbing many investors.
Mount Pinatubo's direct influence - the 1-degree global cooling - is too small, by itself, to make any big difference in local weather, with its wide seasonal and daily swings.
In the last two weeks, the market has experienced wild daily swings of more than 300 points, reflecting the sensitivity to political events in China.
Some institutions have responded to the daily swings of war by themselves swinging from one expectation to another.
"But it's a very dangerous market for momentum players - people who go after the latest trends - who tend to get whipsawed" by daily swings.
Not knowing exactly what the conditions would be like, the engineers designed systems that could take a daily swing of 160 degrees.