I suppose I'd expected the daily toll of violence on the evening news- murders, kidnappings, muggings.
At least 40 Palestinians were killed, the largest daily toll since renewed violence erupted in September 2000.
In September, more than 300 people died of starvation and disease here every day; now the daily toll is down to about 60.
The chart below is meant to bring these losses back into focus, to serve as a reminder of the conflict's daily toll.
Austerity measures are taking their daily toll on Greece.
The candidates quarreled over whether the proper response now was to enhance troop strength to try to end the daily toll of American casualties.
The continuing restrictions have a daily toll on the people of Gaza.
And the daily toll of legislative blockage is also staggering.
Without the normal overhaul periods due ships and men, service was taking a daily toll in wear and tear.
Boredom, poverty, unemployment and encirclement take their daily toll.