This method generally takes three to six daily treatments to be effective.
Until then, he will take daily treatment, as ordered by Kanell.
First we remove something essential, and then we give it back as a daily treatment.
Martin has followed a daily treatment, and despite the increased soreness today, he said, "I'll be all right."
These compounds require daily treatment, often for at least several weeks.
The largest penalty, $13,000, was for failing to complete daily treatment of all inmates who asked to be seen.
There are daily treatments to reduce the severity of the allergic response.
As the daily treatments required only an hour or two, the visitors' idle time created opportunities for other businesses in the town.
It hurt all week, but he received daily treatment, was never on the injured list and never missed practice.
All the patients in the study had begun daily treatment with the drug Levodopa immediately after diagnosis.