Anderson continued a tradition aboard the International Space Station, started by Michael Lopez-Alegria, of conducting daily "trivia" contests with mission control team members on the ground.
Except for every protest organised on Twitter and every time it's used to break a major news story, there's far more people posting daily trivia and slavishly following the thoughts of celebrities.
Today's daily trivia question.
His missives were filled with daily trivia.
Either way it had surely little to do with this careful recording of daily trivia.
A free member is able to participate in the majority of hourly and daily trivia games.
Timothy's posts a daily trivia question every day: the first 10 people to answer correctly win a free eight-ounce coffee.
His trademark dialogue--street toughs riffing about daily trivia with pseudoprofundity--still delights critics.
After her husband's sudden death, McElhone continued to write letters to him, sometimes documenting the daily trivia of life but also dealing with how she and their young children were coping with their loss.
The few sites I found which claimed to be "pro anorexia" were actually just bore-logs, someone whittering away about their daily trivia, with the "pro anorexia" looking like an angle or a publicity stunt to get more views.