His gaze found a girl in the middle of the group, more attractive than any of her cause sisters, with compact dainty features amplifying her intent expression.
"That isn't all," Miss Harris said, her dainty features flushed with excitement.
About my height, but slim with dainty features like Audrey Hepburn, Abby had turquoise eyes and thick ebony hair, the strands brushed straight to her shoulders.
Her face had wonderfully dainty features.
It has the same dainty and perfectly proportioned features of the typical Phylloscopus warbler.
Truly a lovely woman, but for that air of cold displeasure coupled with fear, which marred the harmony of the dainty, child-like features.
I might be a trifle hasty, for my youngest sister, Lilla, at ten Turns had daintier features than we other girls and might well improve.
Ms. Vanina, a refined but steel-willed 39-year-old with a soft voice and dainty features, is fighting the power of the Russian state.
But the only face he could see was Gillian's, her features dainty and fine, framed by soft, rich waves of darkest midnight.
The dolls are easily recognized by their dainty features and smiling faces.