The dam also flooded the original Rangamati town and other structures.
On 4 April 1929, the dam used by the mine burst after heavy rains and flooded the town, killing 14 people.
The dams flooded large areas within British Columbia, but would prove to be a very stable and renewable source of power for the province.
A dam located in the northwest corner of the lake flooded the area which created the relatively shallow body of water.
The dam would have flooded the beautiful Franklin River.
The dam has flooded a huge area, meaning that 1.2 million people have had to be moved.
The dam flooded an area now known as Lake Lillinonah.
The dam flooded the community of Delta, New York, which was located on the west bank of the river.
This dam would have flooded an area 1000 kilometers and damaged land of the indigenous Cree tribe.
The dam flooded 16 natural lakes and formed an impoundment of approximately 14,000 acres.