While many of these issues don't show up until middle age or later, the damage begins early, according to Hawkley.
The settling seemed slow where I was working, of course, but the damage began on the surface from the first instant.
Reasonably, the damage done by free radical may only begin after the aging process does.
In some ways, the damage that the dop system did is only now beginning to be measured.
The damage to this world is beginning to add up to some serious hours of repair work.
It does not restore the same level of function that the person had before the damage to the shoulder joint began.
When damage to the building began to show in the late 17th century, there was hesitation about repairing it.
Perhaps the damage done by free radicals only begins after the aging process does.
Other studies showed that when patients quit smoking, the damage began to disappear.
"The damage began to show up in about 1977, and the lawsuits came soon afterward."