"All of them except some cannon powder, but the cannon were damaged in the battle."
Repulse was severely damaged in the battle, as I'm sure you know.
The Pélican, however, was also fatally damaged in the battle.
For little Adam's eyes were damaged in the battle to save his life, after he was born more than three months prematurely.
Too damaged in the battle to be taken as a prize, the privateer was then scuttled by fire.
One other Iranian frigate was damaged in the battle.
The larger town was also damaged in the battle and shared fully in the South's economic sufferings which followed the defeat.
The castle was severely damaged in the battle, and lay in ruins for several years.
It is apparent," he said, "that the vessel we approached had been badly damaged in the previous battle.
"I believe the emitter might have been damaged in the battle."